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	<title>Clear Creek Education Foundation</title>
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	<title>Clear Creek Education Foundation</title>
		<title>CCEF Gala Spills the Tea and Raises Nearly $100,000 for CCISD Teacher and Student Grant</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 23 Feb 2023 00:47:13 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=7003</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) hosted its first REGENCY GALA: A ROYAL AFFAIR, Saturday, Feb. 4th at South Shore Harbour Conference Center and raised nearly $100,000 for Clear Creek ISD teachers by funding their innovative classroom grants. There was 200 in attendance for the Bridgerton-themed event. “The Foundation raises money to help our schools make innovative changes in our ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/ccef-gala-spills-the-tea-and-raises-nearly-100000-for-ccisd-teacher-and-student-grant/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) hosted its first REGENCY GALA: A ROYAL AFFAIR, Saturday, Feb. 4th at South Shore Harbour Conference Center and raised nearly $100,000 for Clear Creek ISD teachers by funding their innovative classroom grants. There was 200 in attendance for the Bridgerton-themed event.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><br>“The Foundation raises money to help our schools make innovative changes in our classroom that might not otherwise occur. It is my absolute pleasure to assist with community events that help fund these projects. Our gala was truly the event of the season, and we raised money that will go back directly to the teachers and classroom,” said Chris Rylant, Gala Chairperson.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><br>The evening’s festivities began at 6:30pm with a three-course meal, live music with the Black Cat Choir Band, dancing, a Golden Raffle, a whiskey tasting, and a live auction. Winners of our Golden Raffle were Mrs. Lakeisha Jones, winner of the Pearl and Diamond Necklace &amp; Earring Set; Mr. and Mrs. Kane Barnett, winner of the Carrabba&#8217;s Dinner for 8; Mrs. Jackie Bullard, winner of the Rodeo Tickets, Ms. Steph Smoot, winner of the whiskey basket. Items that were auctioned off included rodeo tickets, an Xtreme Xperience (driving a Ferrari around a racetrack), Superintendent for the Day and a one week stay in an oceanfront condo in Hawaii.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><br>“In my 10 years on the Board of Directors, I cannot remember a time when I&#8217;ve seen so many volunteers and Board members come together and work so hard to provide such a beautiful event for our community. It would not have been possible without them. We could not have picked a better Chairperson for this event, Ms. Christine Rylant. Her vision and theme inspiration for this event was spectacular. Deborah Laine, CCEF Executive Director and Michele Thomas, CCEF Community Marketing &amp; Event Manager, worked tirelessly to keep everything together and running down the track. This was an incredible event and one to remember,” said Greg Ploss, 2023 CCEF Chairman.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><br>The CCEF Regency Gala: A Royal Affair was supported by Diamond sponsors, Chemical Process and Production, Inc. and Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins, Mott LLP; Regency Sponsor – PBK Architects; Queen’s Court Sponsors – EliteCare Emergency Hospital, Joiner Architects, Moody Bank, south Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center, Texas First Bank and The Woodhouse Spa; Duke of Hastings Sponsors – AMOCO Federal Credit Union, Bob Martin HKS, Inc, South Land Title Company, and National Signs. CCEF is extremely grateful to all our sponsors and to the local businesses who donated items that supported the success of the event. Special thanks to Pastor John Aaron Matthew; JT Buford; our Queen, Jill Reason and the Bay Area Houston Ballet &amp; Theatre Performers; our CCISD Quartet; South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center; Debi Starr; and Majestic Linens.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><br>The event was planned by a 20-person volunteer committee that included Chairperson Chris Rylant; CCEF Executive Director Deborah Laine and CCEF Community Marketing and Events Manager Michele Thomas; Committee Members: Kelli Byrd, Greg Ploss, Cyndy Butcher, Mickey Wooten, Colin Rickard, Lisa Polansky, Elizabeth Wiehle, Lisa Holbrook, Jenny McCorkle, Ashley Goodhue, Jill Reason, Heidi Riegel, Laura Mackay, Karen McCorkle, Melinda Mintz, Sarah Moutz and Gerard Guderian.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><br>Since its founding in 1992, CCEF has been a nonprofit dedicated to building public education in Clear Creek ISD through grants and programs that empower every student to achieve academic and personal success. CCEF has contributed over $5 million to CCISD for innovative programs in the classroom. More information can be found at<br>the CCEF website www.ClearCreekEducationFoundation.org.</p>
		<title>CCEF Reaches Major Milestone &#8211; $5 Million Raised for Educational Excellence in CCISD</title>
		<pubDate>Wed, 16 Nov 2022 19:17:33 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6876</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The Clear Creek Education Foundation announced at its Annual Awards Dinner at South Shore Harbour Resort, Thursday, Nov. 10th that it had reached a major milestone – CCEF has funded $5 million to support educational excellence in Clear Creek ISD since inception in 1992. Themed “Celebrating 30 Years of CCEF,” the event drew a crowd of almost 300 who came ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/ccef-reaches-major-milestone-5-million-raised-for-educational-excellence-in-ccisd/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The Clear Creek Education Foundation announced at its Annual Awards Dinner at South Shore Harbour Resort, Thursday, Nov. 10<sup>th</sup> that it had reached a major milestone – CCEF has funded $5 million to support educational excellence in Clear Creek ISD since inception in 1992. Themed “Celebrating 30 Years of CCEF,” the event drew a crowd of almost 300 who came to applaud this year’s elite group of individuals being honored for their outstanding efforts and contributions to CCISD.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The focal point of the evening included the 2022 award recipients:<strong><br></strong>George B. Carlisle Distinguished Service Award for consistent demonstration of commitment to CCISD over time: <strong>Dr. Greg Smith</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Distinguished Alumni Award presented to individuals who are CCISD alumni and are now accomplished professionals who support their community:&nbsp; <strong>Jose Perez, CBHS, Class of 1993, Rebecca Valdez, CCHS, Class of 1992, Stephanie Murphy, CLHS, Class of 1996 and Lauren Leal, CSHS, Class of 2011.</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Valor Award in honor of a public servant, who has gone above and beyond the call of duty: <strong>Albert Perez</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Dennis Johnson Memorial Small Business Award is presented to a small business owner within CCISD who demonstrates an unwavering commitment to the district through active participation in multiple activities: <strong>&nbsp;Jim and Jane Sweeney, Minuteman Press</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">2022 CCISD Citizen of the Year, recognized by the CCISD Board of Trustees and CCEF, goes to an outstanding member of the community who consistently demonstrates commitment to CCISD and excellence in public education through volunteer efforts: <strong>Lucien Junkin</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">“Our community has enthusiastically shown their support and commitment to CCEF. Not only by attending tonight’s momentous event, but through their donations and recognizing the importance of innovative grants, CCEF was able to reach our goal of $5 million,” CCEF Chairman Kelli Byrd said. “It is truly an amazing feeling to see our community come together to recognize these outstanding individuals and support education.”<br><br></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Before the evening’s program began, guests and honorees were treated to teacher and student grant showcases – 10 in total. These showcases included: PAES Lab, Hands on Science, Robotics, Coding and Computational Thinking, Anatomage Table, History in the Making, Balanced Life, Audio Recording Studio, Professional Mannequins, Operation: Training Future Health Professionals and Fanfare for Brass: Collaboration with a local composer. “Showing off the teacher grants at CCEF events truly paints the picture of how CCEF funding is bringing innovation to our students. These grants are made possible by our generous community, and we are grateful for everyone’s support,” said Deborah Laine, CCEF Executive Director.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Other highlights included silent and live auctions and a beautiful pearl and diamond bracelet and necklace raffle item donated by Lewis Jewelers. Local community celebrities shared their time to make the event a very special evening for all with Greg Ploss, CCEF Chairman-Elect as auctioneer, a quartet of CCISD teachers playing the National Anthem and Rebecca Spera Valentino serving as mistress of ceremonies.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The event was planned by a 11-person committee that included: Janet Brown, Cyndy Butcher, CCEF Chairperson Kelli Byrd, Lisa Holbrook, Sarah Moutz, Jill Reason, Chris Rylant, Mary Ann Shallberg, Becky Unbehagen, Deborah Laine, Executive Director and Michele Thomas, Community Marketing and Events Manager.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">All funds raised from the event go toward inspiring educational excellence within CCISD through CCEF’s programs that includes educational grants for both teachers and students, supporting Clear Horizon Early College High School and underwriting the costs for teachers to obtain National Board Teacher certification.</p>
		<title>Topgolf Tournment Raises Money for CCISD</title>
		<pubDate>Wed, 13 Jul 2022 18:55:53 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6618</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) hosted its 7th Annual CCISD Alumni and Friends TopGolf Tournament on June 30th raising over $45,000! The tournament hosted many community members and business owners around the area, all enjoying an afternoon full of fun, fellowship and prizes! In addition to sponsorships and teams, CCEF had eight amazing items and experiences all donated and ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/topgolf-tournment-raises-money-for-ccisd/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) hosted its 7th Annual CCISD Alumni and Friends TopGolf Tournament on June 30th raising over $45,000! The tournament hosted many community members and business owners around the area, all enjoying an afternoon full of fun, fellowship and prizes! In addition to sponsorships and teams, CCEF had eight amazing items and experiences all donated and featured on an online virtual auction platform where guests as well as community could register and bid.  Money raised from the tournament is going towards supporting innovative programs in the Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD).</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">“It was incredible to see the community continue to support the foundation,” said event co-chair Jenny McCorkle. Winners of the tournament were the City of Webster Police Department, sponsored by Barlow Jones, LLP.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">This event would not have been possible without the support of all the generous sponsors. CCEF would like to thank them for all their support! Special thanks to the Hole in One Sponsor: Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins &amp; Mott; Ace Beverage Sponsor: Chemical Process and Production; Ace Food Sponsors: UTMB Health; Ace Sponsors: PSC, b1bank, Virgil Smith Insurance, Fielder&#8217;s Choice, and Wade and Co.; Eagle Sponsors &#8211; Amoco Federal Credit Union, Texas Plumbing, Joiner Architects, Elite Emergency, Big Star Cadillac Hyundai, Jill Williams and Rick Lammers, Advanced Dermatology, PBK, Zann Commercial Brokage, Moody Bank and MD Anderson; and Birdie Sponsors &#8211; Imagine Learning, AVAdek, Inc and MRI Technologies.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The event was planned by a 11-person volunteer committee that included Chairpersons Jenny McCorkle and Ashley Goodhue; CCEF Executive Director Deborah Laine and CCEF Community Marketing and Events Manager Michele Thomas; Committee Members: CCEF Chairperson Kelli Byrd, Greg Ploss, Chris Rylant, Mary Ann Shallberg Cyndy Butcher, Emmeline Dodd, and Karen McCorkle.</p>
		<title>2021 Annual Report</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:01:13 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6515</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[&#8220;Soaring into 2021&#8221; Click here for the 2021 Annual Report]]></description>
<p class="has-text-align-center has-black-color has-text-color has-large-font-size"><strong>&#8220;Soaring into 2021&#8221;</strong></p>

<p class="has-text-align-center"><a href="http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Annual-Report-2021.pdf">Click here for the 2021 Annual Report </a></p>
		<title>Clear Creek Education Foundation’s Annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:49:23 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6299</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) is hosting the 20th annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser to recognize outstanding alumni who graduated from Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD) schools as well as community members. The “Bright Stars / Brave Hearts” Awards Dinner and Fundraiser is set for Thursday, Nov. 11 at South Shore Harbour Resort &#38; Conference Center in League ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/clear-creek-education-foundations-annual-awards-dinner-and-fundraiser/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) is hosting the 20<sup>th</sup> annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser to recognize outstanding alumni who graduated from Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD) schools as well as community members.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The “Bright Stars / Brave Hearts” Awards Dinner and Fundraiser is set for Thursday, Nov. 11 at South Shore Harbour Resort &amp; Conference Center in League City. The event is an annual fundraiser for CCEF to help support students, teachers, and programs within CCISD.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">CCEF will honor an elite group of individuals who continually serve and represent CCISD. Award recipients include:</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">George B. Carlisle Distinguished Service Award for consistent demonstration of commitment to CCISD over time: <strong>Dan Newman</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Distinguished Alumni Award presented to individuals who are CCISD alumni and are now accomplished professionals who support their community:&nbsp; <strong>Eric Mendoza, Clear Brook High School Class of 2017; Andrea Patin, Clear Creek High School Class of 2000, and Scott Belshaw, Clear Lake High School Class of 1989</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Valor Award&nbsp;in honor of a public servant (military, police, fire, etc.) who has gone above and beyond the call of duty: <strong>Eric Doyle, Clear Creek High School Class of 1991</strong><strong></strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Dennis Johnson Memorial Small Business Award is presented to a small business owner within CCISD who demonstrates an unwavering commitment to the district through active participation in multiple activities:&nbsp; <strong>Steve Pratt, Esteban’s Café y Cantina</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">2020/2021 CCISD Citizen of the Year, recognized by the CCISD Board of Trustees and CCEF, goes to an outstanding member of the community who consistently demonstrates commitment to CCISD and excellence in public education through volunteer efforts: <strong>Ralph Parr, posthumous</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><strong><br></strong>This year’s awards dinner is being generously sponsored by Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins &amp; Mott; Chemical Process and Production, Inc.; Assured Partners; Elite Care 24 Hour Emergency Center; Joiner Architects; Moody Bank; Petroleum Service Corporation; and UTMB Health. Sponsorship opportunities still are available for individuals or businesses to support this annual tradition of recognizing outstanding community members and CCISD alumni.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The Awards Dinner and Fundraiser is open to the community and tickets are available for purchase on the <a href="http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/events/annual-awards-dinner-fundraiser/">foundation’s website</a>. All funds raised from the event go toward inspiring educational excellence within CCISD through CCEF’s programs that includes educational grants for both teachers and students, supporting Clear Horizon Early College High School and underwriting the costs for teachers to obtain National Board Teacher certification.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The event is being planned by a 17 person volunteer committee that includes Gala Committee Chairman, Chris Rylant; Committee Members, Janet Brown, Kelli Byrd, Traci Dvorak, Kimberly Fleming-O’Connor, Lisa Holbrook, Carl Joiner, Rosemary Lagrone, Laura Mackay, Sarah Moutz, Greg Ploss, Jill Reason, Ruth Rendon, Mary Ann Shallberg and Elizabeth Wiehle Wang; along with CCEF Executive Director Deborah Laine and CCEF Community Marketing and Events Manager Kassie Morell.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color"><strong>About CCEF</strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Established in 1992, the <a href="http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/">Clear Creek Education Foundation</a> is a 501(c)3 organization located in League City, Texas. Comprised of volunteers with a passion for excellence, the Foundation raises funds to enrich academic achievement within Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD). While the Foundation operates independently of the school district, it is aligned and collaborates closely with CCISD to promote excellence in education.</p>
		<title>Teacher Innovative Grant: “Step Into My World” Address Cultural Diversity</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 12 Apr 2021 21:06:57 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6119</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) received a $7,690 Partners in Education Grant, funded by the Harris County Department of Education, in collaboration with the Education Foundation of Harris County in the fall of 2020. This grant funded a CCEF Teacher Innovative Grant, “Step Into My World,” written by Stephenie Ruby at Clear Lake Intermediate, who had the vision of ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/teacher-innovative-grant-step-into-my-world-address-cultural-diversity/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) received a $7,690 Partners in Education Grant, funded by the Harris County Department of Education, in collaboration with the Education Foundation of Harris County in the fall of 2020. This grant funded a CCEF Teacher Innovative Grant, “Step Into My World,” written by Stephenie Ruby at Clear Lake Intermediate, who had the vision of purchasing giant maps from National Geographic that would bring the world to life for her students.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Clear Lake Intermediate School strives to be a culturally responsive campus and meet the needs of all diverse learners. Research has shown that children learn best when they are highly engaged. With the purchase of giant plastic maps, students are having the opportunity to work together to form a new understanding of the world. This Teacher Innovative Grant is allowing students to walk across America on a giant map as they follow the Trail of Tears, see how the Mediterranean Sea connects to the Red Sea and visualize exactly how big the Sahara Desert really is. Through the different lessons, students are becoming more aware of distance and how cultural differences are directly related to location, all while growing their knowledge in map skills and geographical understanding of the world.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">“I am so thankful to have received this grant from the Clear Creek Education Foundation,” stated Stephenie Ruby. “Our grant provided 5 HUGE maps (29&#215;21) of Texas, North America, South America, Europe and Asia. We&#8217;ve been able to travel to our favorite places around the world and learn so much about the different cultures, climates, political state and famous icons. The students absolutely love it, and many eagerly ask every day if we are going outside to map walk.”&nbsp;</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">The “Step Into My World” grant impacts 980 students ranging from 6<sup>th</sup> grade to 8<sup>th</sup> grade and can be used at multiple CCISD schools.</p>
		<title>CCEF Supports Pre-K Students</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:35:17 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6103</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Through generous donations by Pam and Greg Ploss, Jim and Jennifer Stewart and Joe D. Barlow, The Clear Creek Education Foundation was able to provide a book for every Clear Creek ISD student enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten this school year. Go, Dog. Go!, a classic by P.D. Eastman written for beginning readers, was the first book some children had received for ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/ccef-supports-pre-k-students/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p class="has-black-color has-text-color has-medium-font-size"><strong>Through generous donations by Pam and Greg Ploss, Jim and Jennifer Stewart and Joe D. Barlow, The Clear Creek Education Foundation was able to provide a book for every Clear Creek ISD student enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten this school year. Go, Dog. Go!, a classic by P.D. Eastman written for beginning readers, was the first book some children had received for their very own &#8212; and it was evident in their excitement as they were handed their brand new book! Some studies have shown that up to 90% of brain development happens before age 5. Also, reading with your young child – and even baby – as early as possible stimulates their imagination and expands their vocabulary and understanding of the world around them. CCEF backs this critical first step in setting up our youngest learners for success!</strong></p>

<div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter size-large"><img decoding="async" width="1024" height="323" src="http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-1024x323.png" alt="" class="wp-image-6112" srcset="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-1024x323.png 1024w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-300x95.png 300w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-768x242.png 768w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-1536x484.png 1536w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-500x158.png 500w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-100x32.png 100w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design-1184x373.png 1184w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-design.png 1546w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></figure></div>
		<title>Rally Week Raises Record $179,724</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 08 Apr 2021 16:48:55 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6071</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 8, 2021 CLEAR CREEK EDUCATION FOUNDATION RAISES RECORD $179,724 IN ONE WEEK FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN CLEAR CREEK ISD LEAGUE CITY, Texas – The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) kicked off their new Give-A-Grant Rally Week March 29th through April 1st. During the week, CCEF promoted their mission and rallied community support which resulted in raising ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/rally-week-raises-record-179724/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p><strong>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</strong><br>April 8, 2021</p>

<p class="has-text-align-center has-black-color has-text-color"><br><strong>CLEAR CREEK EDUCATION FOUNDATION RAISES RECORD $179,724 IN ONE WEEK FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN CLEAR CREEK ISD</strong><strong></strong></p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">LEAGUE CITY, Texas – The Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) kicked off their new Give-A-Grant Rally Week March 29<sup>th</sup> through April 1<sup>st</sup>. During the week, CCEF promoted their mission and rallied community support which resulted in raising $125,024 for Clear Creek ISD teacher grants, exceeding the original goal of $100,000! In addition to the $125,024 raised for teacher grants, CCEF partners pledged $54,700 that will support other programs that benefit the students and teachers of Clear Creek ISD, bringing the grand total raised to $179,724! As the community is aware, teachers need support now more than ever and with the cancellation of in person spring events, this rally week enables CCEF to continue to provide innovative learning materials to students of all ages, both in the classroom and virtually.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">Each day during the rally week, a teacher testimonial video was featured and showed the inside scoop to really understand why teacher grants and community partnerships are so important from a teacher’s perspective. Special thanks to Miriam Bailey (Landolt Elementary), Debbie Adams (Falcon Pass Elementary), Julie Edwards (Bayside Intermediate) and Shirley Cook-Dickey (Clear Lake High School). The CCEF Board of Directors formed teams and had a fun, fierce competition between each team on who could raise the most money. Each day, a different team reported to the call center which was held at Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake, and rallied community support. Team Joiner took first place bringing in a total of $45,300!</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">“We are so overwhelmed with the support from our partners during Give-a-Grant Rally Week,” stated CCEF Executive Director, Deborah Laine. “This event truly represents everything we stand for and our mission to support teachers and students through innovative materials in the classroom and online. We know this community loves our teachers and students and they definitely showed it last week.”</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">A list of all the donors and the teacher testimonial videos can be found on CCEF’s website at <a href="http://www.ClearCreekEducationFoundation.org/give-a-grant">www.ClearCreekEducationFoundation.org/give-a-grant</a>.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">This event would not be possible without the support of all the generous sponsors. Special thanks to the Headline Sponsors: Chemical Process and Production, Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital, Joiner Architects, Moody Bank, PBK Architects, Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins &amp; Mott, Ron Carter Cadillac Hyundai and UTMB Health.</p>

		<title>2021 VIP High School Graduation Packages Now Available!</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 08 Apr 2021 16:12:19 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=6066</guid>

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<div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-button__link" href="http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/2021-vip-high-school-graduation-packages/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY!</a></div>

<div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter size-large"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="791" height="1024" src="http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-791x1024.png" alt="" class="wp-image-6067" srcset="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-791x1024.png 791w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-232x300.png 232w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-768x994.png 768w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-1187x1536.png 1187w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-500x647.png 500w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-100x129.png 100w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1-1184x1533.png 1184w, https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-VIP-Grad-Flyer-1.png 1545w" sizes="(max-width: 791px) 100vw, 791px" /></figure></div>
		<title>CCEF Announces NEW Give-A-Grant Rally Week</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 02 Mar 2021 17:19:39 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/?p=5854</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[As we Soar into 2021, the Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) is excited to announce a new virtual event, Give-A-Grant Rally Week, scheduled for March 29th &#8211; April 1st! As the community is aware, teachers need support now more than ever. With the cancellation of spring events, CCEF is planning a virtual event featuring teacher testimony’s and a call campaign ... <a href="https://www.clearcreekeducationfoundation.org/ccef-announces-new-give-a-grant-rally-week/" class="more-link">Read More</a>]]></description>
<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">As we Soar into 2021, the Clear Creek Education Foundation (CCEF) is excited to announce a new virtual event, Give-A-Grant Rally Week, scheduled for March 29th &#8211; April 1st! As the community is aware, teachers need support now more than ever. With the cancellation of spring events, CCEF is planning a virtual event featuring teacher testimony’s and a call campaign to raise funds that will go directly towards Clear Creek ISD teacher grants. CCEF grants provide innovative learning materials to students of all ages, both in the classroom and virtually.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">During Give-A-Grant Rally Week, CCEF will be promoting their mission and rallying community support in hopes of raising $100,000. Anyone can directly impact students in the classroom by donating any amount during rally week. All donations help CCEF continue to inspire educational excellence across Clear Creek ISD. All donors, regardless of amount, will be recognized in the daily newsletter blast and website page during rally week. Donors who give $100+ will be invited to award grants directly to the teachers later this spring and donors who donate $1,000+ get a special shout out on social media and recognition as a &#8220;Grand Donor”.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">“We are so excited to host a virtual Give-a-Grant Week,” stated CCEF Executive Director, Deborah Laine. “This event truly represents everything we stand for and our mission to support teachers and students through innovative materials in the classroom and online. We know this community loves our teachers and students and have high hopes this campaign will be a huge success.”</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">This event would not be possible without the support of all the generous sponsors. Special thanks to the Headline Sponsors: Chemical Process and Production, Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital, Joiner Architects, Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins &amp; Mott, Ron Carter Cadillac Hyundai, UTMB Health Educators Federal Credit Union, Huckabee and Ron Carter Cadillac Hyundai.</p>

<p class="has-black-color has-text-color">If you are interested in donating towards Give-A-Grant Rally Week, early bird donations are welcome! Check in daily during Give-A-Grant Rally Week to see teacher testimonials, activities, a tracking thermometer and a list of all donors at <a href="www.ClearCreekEducationFoundation.org">www.ClearCreekEducationFoundation.org</a>. EVERY donation will count and be recognized daily.</p>

<p class="has-text-align-center has-black-color has-text-color"><strong><a href="https://connect.clickandpledge.com/w/Form/05657b6d-64ba-41bc-a8fb-ef7cda7c1ce4" data-type="URL" data-id="https://connect.clickandpledge.com/w/Form/05657b6d-64ba-41bc-a8fb-ef7cda7c1ce4" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">CLICK HERE</a> to donate towards Give-a-Grant Rally Week!</strong></p>