Mini-Grant in Action at Hyde Elementary

“STEM in a second” is a Mini Grant awarded to Alison Etzel at Hyde Elementary. With her grant money, she was able to purchase Magna-Tiles that are designed with Science, Math, and creativity in mind. They build critical developmental skills, and promote imaginative play and creativity.
“Our students can build anything that comes to their mind with this tool, stated Ms. Etzel. “Thanks to our mini grant donor, my students are excited to come to school in the morning so that they can start building. It has been so exciting to see how happy they are to come to school and get their 2nd grade day started with STEM!”

One student stated, “Magna Tiles make me excited to come to school because I can be creative & build anything I can think of.”

This Mini-Grant was sponsored by David Barker and Kimberly Barker.