
Partner In Education (PIE)

  • Join the Clear Creek Education Foundation in making a personal commitment to student success. When we work together as a team, we can show our students and community that success is achievable.

  • Your personal pledge and donation to become a Partner in Education will support students through the Clear Creek Education Foundation.
    Each contribution, regardless of size, plays a vital role in creating a meaningful impact. Together, our collective efforts have the power to bring about positive change and make a real difference in the lives of those we aim to support.

  • Those who choose to make a recurring gift commitment or a one-time pledge will receive a special CCEF lapel pin. In addition, tiered pledges and gift amounts will also receive an appreciation gift from the foundation. Your personal pledge and donation to become a Partner in Education will support students through the Clear Creek Education Foundation.

  • A gift of $25 each month would be comparable to giving up a specialty drink once a week. A gift of $50 each month would be comparable to bringing lunch once a week rather than dining out.

  • Each contribution, regardless of size, plays a vital role in creating a meaningful impact.

Click Here to Become a Partner in Education (PIE) 

CCEF appreciates YOUR support!